News - East Baltimore school gets renovations that benefit students

I have a personal and professional commitment to contribute to the improvement of our communities in ways that would be most meaningful to them. Over the past year, the @revivalbaltimore team has developed a strong relationship with Tench-Tilghmen EMS in East Baltimore that started with volunteering to clean-up the exterior on a regular basis. We would frequently remove not just trash but also drug paraphernalia from the premises including the playground.

As the relationship grew, I can say that we all fell in love with the facility, students and the community. That's when we discovered the school has a small space that doubles as a kitchen and laundry room. The kitchen portion would be used to educate and prepare meals for the students. The laundry room used to wash student uniforms if they were unable to have them washed at home. Both are important services needed at the school, but at the time were not functioning because of broken out-date equipment.

So we reached out to our friends at Lowes Home Improvement and Sherwin Williams to see if they would help and they graciously said yes and agreed to renovate the kitchen/laundry room. Like I said, this has been a year long project, but the renovations started this past Monday and are scheduled to be completed this Friday. Lowes and Sherwin have an amazing group of employees and volunteers to move this impact project to its completion. I tried to help out, but I was only in the way SMH. I'll make sure to post an update of the finished project but for now you can see the original state, demo, paint and cabinet install. The room will be ready for the start of the next school season. I am grateful to be working on the project with Revival and I can't wait to see the students and teachers faces when they see it.

Instagram Reel of the Lowes Home Improvement project at Tench Tilghman EMS in East Baltimore.

The project attracted much appreciated press and is spreading the good news story. Check them out at CBS News, Yahoo, and News Break. You can also check out my Instagram reel here.

A reminder not to complain about a thing. Do something about it and be the change.


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