Introducing Great Trade Co.

I’ve been slowly rolling out @greattradeco over the last two months and it feels good to back making products again. Over the past 3 years I’ve gotten a deeper appreciation for the hospitality industry. It’s also been incredible watching an entirely new group of creative entrepreneurs leaving the grinds and pursuing their passions. I watched people learn new skills on YouTube University and start making products or offering services that they created. It’s been beautiful. So now, as everyone is creating something with their hands and minds, you can look great in Great Trade Co. Starting the brand with aprons but getting into chore coats and more V soon. Go check it out. Also, the first popup is this Saturday in Baltimore. I’ll be sharing soon on IG stories.

Check out the brand at and the short video below.

Jasmine Norton is a renown chef from Baltimore, MD. that’s been changing the conversation around food and introducing new flavors to the community. She’s also the founder of The Urban Oyster which is the only Black-woman owned oyster company in America. Her talent and passion are an inspiration to many. We were honored to have her wear our Essential Beanie and Standard Apron while grilling oysters outside on an early Sunday morning at the farmers market.

Film: Ryan Rhodes - Follow @djimpulse
Location: Jones Falls Expressway (JFX) Farmers Market in Baltimore, MD @thebaltimorefarmersmarket

Follow @theurbanoyster


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