3 Sneaker Decision. Full Dad-Mode?

For most of my life I never understood the man with only 2 pairs of shoes; black and brown. But now I am testing if I can primarily wear a pair of black, brown, and off-white/tan sneakers most of the year. I do keep a fourth pair of special occasion shoes, but I find myself in way less special occasions these days. It's actually been a good experience and given me one less decision to make in the morning. I still don't agree with the reason most men only own two pairs of shoes, which is usually a sign of having no personal style. Because I HAS style 🥰 but it’s a good test of how minimalistic can I actually get in my life. Starting with something that everyone can see. Not just minimizing what I have at home which most people will never see. I loved to find the right balance for me between max and minimalism, but that’s a journey. You know?

BTW, the white and black pair are the same New Balance 57/40’s. Is this the gateway decision into full Dad-mode? :)


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